Marek Czarnecki


Artistic manifesto "Our Safe World"

We live in a world called ‘the Global Village” where the development of science and technology facilitates an unlimited personal development. However, it is hard to imagine a creative development of personality without the participation of culture and art. The key role in the process of culture creation is played by Artists – both professional and amateur ones. They are the ones who inspire us to question the things where others would be satisfied with the current state of matters.

We learn about and penetrate the surrounding World, both the one created with human hands and mind, and the natural one which we have captured and from which we have resources, materials, and energy used in the civilization development.

While we are on our way it seems that our civilized world in which any “tomorrow’s ideas” are implemented today, does not become safer for human beings, because many things, which apparently are rigorously controlled, escape the supervision of the existing systems. Thus one tends to behave or act in such a way as to make use of inconsistency of the binding structures or protest against overwhelming control, which, exercised, apparently for our good, triggers off actions that put us under even closer surveillance. Mutually contradictory actions and behaviour intensify, and we, for the sake of widely understood safety, are more and more infiltrated. In many places we are put under control of different kind, including personal control. We are photographed, filmed, searched, and overheard so that we can be guaranteed greater safety in our everyday life as well as while traveling, which has become a common element of our lives.  

The actions that are expected to ensure our safety have intensified because of acts of vandalism and because people representing regions of different culture and civilization enter our World with the intention of destroying Us and our reality.

This situation entails protesting and makes us ask the questions:

 - To what extent are our rights and liberties, as well as personal freedom, limited in order to secure our life freedom in the cultural and social system?

- Do we consciously get captured in order to preserve our free World?

 - When we agree on our freedom of action and thinking to be limited and when we let others control us do we not get trapped in such a way that the peak of the individual’s freedom will be their complete incapacity?


The authors of the project do not wish to answer the question whether it is right and whether it is socially justified.   

However, as Artists, we do have the right to speak the art language, using the word and the picture in our dialogue with society in order to emphasize the absurdity of the situation – depriving one of their freedom and liberties so that they can be preserved.

Marek Czarnecki